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How To Start the Encore: Overture Exotic Mission
Encore: Overture First Encounter
Encore: Overture Second Encounter
Encore: Overture Final Encounter
With the arrival of Destiny 2's Echoes: Act 3, players can finally enter the awaited exotic mission "Encore: Overture" to obtain Choir of One, the new exotic weapon. This new weapon introduces special ammo auto rifles as an archetype and offers a new and unique take on a traditional weapon type. The mission is available right as you launch the game after Tuesday's update, so as long as you finish Act 2, you're all set to go.
Act 2 saw Guardians chasing down Saint-14's body in the Vex's simulations in search of the Conductor's whereabouts. After syncing up with his simulated corpse's memories, Saint and Failsafe worked together to pinpoint the Conductor, then sent the Guardian in after them to look for information. On arrival, it was confirmed that the Conductor is Destiny 2's Maya Sundaresh, and her plan for the planet is total domination.
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How To Start the Encore: Overture Exotic Mission
Make Sure Act 2 Is Done, Then Head To The HELM
Once you load into Destiny 2, Failsafe will want to talk to you about the Conductor and a lead she might have. A node will unlock in the HELM on your Director, so head out either alone or with a fireteam of two others. Once you load in, you'll find yourself in the center of Nessus, where you end the final mission of Act 2.
Head to the right side of the area after clearing all the ads, then find the small notch in the wall that lets you climb all the way up to the glowing circle. At the top, look over the edge to your left, and you'll see a large stone orb with a tunnel running through the center of it. Hop into this tunnel and fall to the bottom. Keep following the path down and forward until you reach a long jump towards a sliding stone hall.
Jump towards this hall as the door closes and land on the small textured area before the door's path. You can stand here to wait for the door to open again, then run through.
On the other side of the hall, you'll find yourself hugging the left side with large, glowing cutouts on the right side of the wall. The secondmost cutout is strobing slightly, this is the one you'll want to jump into. Towards the bottom of this cutout is another pathway; follow it until you reach some moving platforms that you can take upwards.
Turn left at the end of the next hall for more moving platforms that you can take upwards. At the top of this section of the elevators, follow the glowing tunnel to your right until it spits you out into another large cavern. Jump onto the small platform you see here, then look directly into the wall across from you.
This middle section is open and has a small, fast-moving elevator. Take this elevator, then the next one, and then drop down twice. After the second drop, there will be an elevator to your left; do not take it. Instead, look to your right for a purple hallway that you can drop into again.
Here, you'll find yourself in a collection of larger rooms that don't really branch off, so follow this path until you reach your very first bank spot. This bank spot is a bronze braizer with a green arrow symbol pointing up from it. You can't do anything with this yet, so head to the left and kill the shadow legion here.
You'll reach another bank spot after killing all the Shadow Legion. Look to the left to find the buff pickup spot. You or one of your teammates will pick up the buff called "Vex Module// CONNECTION" and bank it into the spot in front of you to begin the first encounter.
Encore: Overture First Encounter
Use CONNECTION And PARTITION To Interact With Confluxes, then Run
To begin the encounter in Destiny 2, whichever player picked up the CONNECTION buff should bank it in the bank right in front of you. Interact with the Conflux here, then pick CONNECTION back up and head to the left side of the room. There will be another bank there; smack the buff into it, then jump through the now open part of the wall across from you to the second Conflux.
If you're running this with a fireteam, make sure that you wait until your teammate has come back out before picking CONNECTION back up. If you don't, your teammate will get killed, likely to prevent softlocks for solo players.
Now, drop down to the bottom of the arena and into the pit, which is revealed when you pick CONNECTION back up after accessing the second Conflux. Bank CONNECTION another time, and this time, it'll open up an area with two banks: one green CONNECTION bank and a new, yellow PARTITION bank. Vex Module// PARTITION will drop from a Minotaur after you kill it in the room, which you should bank before running back out to grab CONNECTION and bring it in.
If you pick up CONNECTION before banking PARTITION, it will close the room off. Once both buffs are banked here, the wall on the other side of the room will disappear to reveal the last Conflux. Access it, then head back up to the part of the room with the first bank in it, bringing CONNECTION with you. Bank CONNECTION in the original bank to open the door next to the now-white diamonds.
Head into this opened door, which leads into a darkened hallway. This will eventually lead to a new CONNECTION pickup spot. Be careful not to stand too far into the room, as once you pick up the CONNECTION buff here, a red wall of death will spawn and chase you back to the room you started in. Staying close to the stairs will give you a little breathing room as you dodge through Vex on your run away from the wall.
You can kill the Vex here if you're fast enough, but it's recommended that you just book it back to the original CONNECTION bank in the first room. Access the Conflux bank CONNECTION in one bank, then pick it up from the other bank to close the door you just walked through to end the encounter. Note that this can be a little buggy, but thankfully, the run itself isn't too annoying to redo.
Head the way you came originally, which now leads outside. Getting to the second encounter of the mission isn't too tricky, but you will be introduced to a new buff: Vex Module// ACCESS. This module allows you to open up Vex portals, so use this buff and PARTITION to make your way to encounter number two.
You can go back and forth through the portals. If you need a buff and can't find one, maybe try going back through a portal to grab one you're not using anymore.
Encore: Overture Second Encounter
ACCESS The Vex Network To Take Down Two Dread
This encounter is very straightforward, so this section is brief. Use ACCESS to open up portals, following the boss through the Vex net until you can take them both down. ACCESS will spawn after you chunk each boss down to a certain health threshold, so just get your DPS ready and be ready to chase them. Guardians defeated the Witness just a few months ago, some Dread are no match for them.
After you beat both bosses in Destiny 2, head through the Vex portal that opens. Again, follow the path forward, taking the small, lit-up tunnel on your upper right deeper into the Conductor's realm. Once you reach the open room with the waterfalls, stick to the right-ish side of the room as you continue forward, killing Vex as you go.
You'll eventually make your way into a small laboratory called "Ishtar Research Laboratory." The way forward is blocked, but you can unblock it by interacting with the "Degaussed Exomind" slumped over on the left side of the room. After Maya talks for a bit, the way into the final encounter will be opened to you.
Encore: Overture Final Encounter
ACCESS, And CONNECT To Beat Parados, The Choral Mind
For this encounter, you'll need to use the ACCESS and CONNECT buffs to build out the arena and eventually take down Parados' shields. To start, pick up CONNECTION and bank it into the spot in the middle of the arena. This will spawn a small platform with a Conflux, which you should interact with. Doing this will cause the Choral Mind to move, allowing you to build the platforms further towards it.
Pick up CONNECTION again, taking it to the small island off to the right and banking it again. This will spawn a large platform with a capture plate in the center. Capture the plate, killing any enemies that spawn and picking up the ACCESS buff that one of the Minotaurs will drop.
Once you've captured the plate, a small triangle will spawn outside Parados' shield. Breaking it will break Parados' shield, allowing you to DPS. Note that Parados will teleport closer to you a few seconds after its shield breaks, so wait a bit before unleashing your full fury.
Another thing to note is that this encounter seems to be a big bug, so if you can DPS Parados down fast enough, you can send him to the final stand right away. To attempt this, wait until he gets close to you then unleash everything you have. Supers, heavy ammo, whatever you've got in your arsenal should be ready to dump on him. Once he reaches whatever phase you can get him to, one of two things will happen.
If you didn't get him to final stand, a large deletion wall will spawn, bisecting the arena. This wall kills you if you touch it, so you'll need to use the ACCESS buff you should have picked up to use the Vex portals to navigate the arena. Tamper with the Conflux again, spawn the platform, then DPS Parados after breaking his shield until you get to final stand.
Once you're at the final stand, whether it took one phase or two, Parados will teleport to the center of the arena after spawning another deletion wall perpendicular to the first. Teleport back using the ACCESS buff, break his shield, and then DPS until he's been defeated. This is not the hardest exotic mission in Destiny 2, but it provides one of the most interesting rewards.
Destiny 2: The Final Shape
- Franchise
- Destiny
- Base Game
- Destiny 2
- Platform(s)
- PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series S , Xbox Series X
- Released
- June 4, 2024
- Developer(s)
- Bungie